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Prosjektnummer: 901436
Status: Avsluttet
Startdato: 01.11.2017
Sluttdato: 01.04.2022

Use of microbiome-genome co-optimisation to improve gut health and growth in farmed salmon (HoloFish)

Studie av tarmhelse og ulike vekst-kohorter opp mot hologenom og mikrobiom i en utsettsgruppe som vil være bidrag til produksjonsforbedringer og styrking av fiskens helse og velferd
​Hovedfunn (English version further below)
• Foreløpig innsikt har vist en overbevisende sammenheng mellom relativ mengde (mage/tarminnhold) av en mycoplasma-variant og laksens prestasjon.
• Resultatene indikerte et mønster hvor kommersiell fôrtype hadde liten effekt på helse og vekstfenotype samt mikrobiota, men samtidig viste korrelasjon til genuttrykk, metabolitter og enkelte aminosyreprofiler.
• Resultatene indikerte et mønster hvor fiskestørrelse (alternativt livslengde) korrelerte med metagenomisk sammensetning som antyder vekstmessig sammenheng mellom verten og dens mikrobiota.
• Assosiasjonsanalyse indikerte en neglisjerbar effekt av vertens genotype som forklaring på observerte forskjeller i tarmmikroflora.

Main findings
• Preliminary insights showed correlation with the relative abundance of a Mycoplasma species and fish performance.
• While feed showed correlations with gene expression, metabolites and some fatty acid profiles, the type of commercial diet seems to only have little effect on the observed health and growth phenotypes, as well as on the microbiota. 
• Fish size (i.e. lifetime growth) showed correlation with the metagenome composition, suggesting some growth related relationship between the host and its gut microbiota. 
• Association analysis points to a negligible effect of the host genotype in explaining observed differences in gut microbiota.
Sammendrag av resultater fra prosjekts faglige sluttrapport (English summary further below)
Laksenæringen har en nøkkelposisjon for å bidra til en grønn omstilling mot økonomisk og miljømessig bærekraftig matproduksjon. Likevel, som med mange typer oppdrettsdyr, står lakseoppdrettsnæringen overfor utfordringer som regelmessige sykdomsutbrudd, ineffektiv fôrkonvertering og tap på grunn av uforutsigbar variasjon i fiskestørrelse ved slakt. Mens forskere konvensjonelt har undersøkt om slik variasjon kan forklares under den tradisjonelle “fenotype = genotype*miljø”-modellen, har oppmerksomheten nylig vendt mot en alternativ forklaring, fiskens tarm-mikrobiom.

HoloFish-prosjektet har for første gang utviklet og brukt denne såkalte hologenomiske tilnærmingen for å bedre forstå og forbedre fôrkonvertering i en kommersiell kohort av oppdrettslaks. Dermed ble vertslaksen og dens mikrobiom studert som en enkelt enhet ved å generere molekylære data fra både vertslaksen og dens tilhørende mikrobiom. Ved å ta prøver av 463 laks som er slakteklare, hadde prosjektet som mål å forstå antatte nøkkelvert-mikrobiota-interaksjoner i laks som ble oppdrettet på to forskjellige kommersielle dietter, samt representerte tre vilkårlig definerte størrelsesklasser fra små, middels eller store. Molekylære data for vertsgenomene, epigenomene og transkriptomene ble generert ved bruk av sekvensering med såkalt “high throughput sequencing”. Tilsvarende ble det mikrobielle metagenomet så vel som tarm-metabolomet generert for hver laks som ble tatt ut sammen med nøkkelegenskaper for KPI (nøkkeltallsindikatorer).

Samlet sett avslørte resultatene en rekke nye funn samt demonstrasjonen av en ny hologenomisk tilnærming for å studere de underliggende biologiske mekanismene for vekst og helse hos laks. Kort fortalt, mens det ikke var bemerkelsesverdige forskjeller mellom de to forskjellige diettene, avslørte multi omics-dataene et slående mønster med lav biomasse og lavt mangfold av tarm-mikrobiomet til oppdrettslaks, i sterk kontrast til landlevende husdyr. Videre, til tross for begrenset genomisk variasjon blant fisk, observerte man en konsistent forskjell i sammensetningen av mikroorganismer i laks av forskjellig størrelse til tross for at all laks var av identisk alder, stamfisk og miljømessig opprinnelse. Det ble også observert at infeksjon med intestinale bendelormer har en effekt på vertslaksens mikrobiota, noe som peker på en sekundær effekt av bendelorm som også påvirker mikrobiotabalansen. Videre avslørte denne første storskalascreeningen av tarm-metabolomet hvordan fôr metabolsk påvirkes av både verts- og mikrobiom avledede funksjoner til fiskevekst og biomasse. Avslutningsvis demonstrerte HoloFish verdien av en ny hologenomisk tilnærming for å bedre forstå hvordan komplekse vert-mikrobiota-interaksjoner former vekst og helseytelse hos oppdrettslaks.

Results achieved
Summary of results from the project’s final report
The salmon industry holds a key position to help steer a green transition towards economically and environmentally sustainable food production. Yet, as with many types of farmed animals, salmon aquaculture faces challenges such as regular disease outbreaks, inefficient feed conversion and losses due to unpredictable variation in fish size at harvest. While researchers have conventionally explored whether such variation might be explicable under the traditional ‘phenotype = genotype*environment’ model, recent attention has turned towards an alternate explanation, the fishes’ gut microbiome.

The HoloFish project has for the first time developed and applied this so-called hologenomic approach to better understand and improve feed conversion in a commercial cohort of farmed salmon. Thus, the host salmon and its microbiome was studied as a single unit by generating molecular data from both the host salmon as well as its associated microbiome. By sampling 463 ready to harvest salmon the project aimed to understand putative key host – microbiota interactions in salmon that were reared on two distinct commercial diets, as well as representing three arbitrarily-defined size classes of small, medium or large. Molecular data for the host genomes, epigenomes and transcriptomes were generated using high throughput sequencing. Similarly, the microbial metagenome as well as the intestinal metabolome were generated for each sampled salmon, together with key KPI (key performance indicators) traits.

Overall, results revealed a range of novel findings, as well as the demonstration of a new hologenomic approach to study the underlying biological mechanisms of growth and health in salmon. Briefly, while there were no noteworthy differences between the two different diets, the multi-omics data revealed a striking pattern of a low biomass and low diversity of the intestinal microbiome of farmed salmon, in stark contrast to terrestrial livestock. Further, although there was limited genomic variation among fish, the project group observed a consistent difference in the composition of microorganisms in salmon of different sizes, despite all salmon being of identical age, broodstock and environmental origin. It was also observed that infection with intestinal tapeworms had an effect on the host salmon’s microbiota, pointing at a secondary effect of tapeworm in also affecting the microbiota balance. Further, the inclusion of the first large-scale screening of the intestinal metabolome revealed how feed is metabolically translated by both host- and microbiome-derived functions into fish growth and biomass. In conclusion, HoloFish demonstrated the value of a new hologenomic approach to more fully understand how complex host  microbiota interactions shape growth and health performance in farmed salmon.
Prosjektet har demonstrert hvordan en hologenomisk tilnærming til utvalgte egenskaper hos en laksepopulasjon kan anvendes for å lete etter mønstre eller faktorer som kan forklare forskjeller i prestasjon, og danne basis for videre forsøk for å påvise mulige kausale faktorer eller årsakssammenhenger som til slutt kan brukes for produksjonsforbedringer og styrking av fiskens helse og velferd.
Aquaculture provides >50 per cent of all consumed fish, is the fastest growing food-producing sector worldwide, and is predicted to grow by ≥5 per cent annually in years to come. The salmon industry’s rapid growth presents an urgent need for a greener transition towards economically and environmentally sustainable production. Yet, as with many types of farmed animals, salmon aquaculture faces challenges such as regular disease outbreaks, inefficient feed conversion and losses due to unpredictable variation in fish size at harvest.
Improving feed utilisation/efficiency presents a major potential for salmon farmers; as nearly 60 per cent of salmon production costs come from fish feed, there is a demand for new solutions to reduce such costs. In recent years, the aquaculture industry has endeavoured to develop more sustainable and higher quality fish products. These efforts included (1) promoting the use of plant-based, cost-effective fish feed, (2) focusing on functions provided by the gut-microbiota, and (3) selective breeding to achieve higher yield and improved fish health.
Researchers have conventionally explored whether such variation can be explained by variation in the salmon’s own genes, but often with limited success. Attention has recently turned towards an alternate explanation, the fishes’ gut microbiome. Rapidly accumulating evidence suggests that many salmon host-associated microorganisms are not passive passengers, but active crew, who can affect and even condition growth and health parameters in salmon. Numerous studies have attempted to understand the relationships between gut microbes and salmon phenotypes, but it is becoming clear that growth or disease resistance cannot simply be explained by the effect of the microbes alone. Might there be a solution to these challenges? The project proposes the answer is yes, and that it lies within their ‘hologenome’.
Hologenomic theory offers potential to better understand and improve feed conversion in farmed fish. Specifically, hologenomic theory argues that the genomes of host organisms and their associated microbial communities are subjected to co-evolutionary forces and constitute a larger super-organism, the ‘holobiont’. Thus the host organism and its microbiome should be studied as a single unit, the hologenome. Intriguingly, recent scientific work indicates that changes in growth and health traits of farmed fish result from the interplay among the host genotypes, host physiology, host gut microbiota, as well as feed and environmental factors. Therefore, to best manipulate such traits, one must consider the genome and microbiome together, but such attempt has never been made in an aquaculture context.
This project present a hologenomic approach to address the prioritised area ‘Reduction of losses and robust fish’ according to FHF’s action plan, and specifically relates to research for improving and maintaining proper gut health in salmonids.
Main objective
To provide new knowledge for improving gut-health in salmonids, in order to identify how the growth rate of farmed salmon is affected by the interacting effects of the feed composition, gut–microbiota and the salmon host genome.
1. To sample tissue, gut content and gut-mucosal samples from sea-farmed salmon that are fed on three commercial diets, and within each treatment, exhibit variable sizes at harvest age.
2. To use this data to characterize the genome, epigenome and transcriptome for each individual salmon, as well as the metagenomes, transcriptomes and metabolomes of their gut contents.
3. To apply association mapping to these parameters within a hologenomic framework in order to decipher the link between salmon genomes and their gut microbiota composition and activity, how this relates to dietary treatment, and how these in turn affect growth, feed conversion, health and muscle fatty acid profile.
4. To implement hologenomic insights about host-microbiome interactions into current breeding and feeding regimes. 
5. To optimize the match between the salmon’s genetic background and it's diet, so as to optimize gut-health and growth output.
Expected project impact
Holistic insights on interactions among feed and a salmon’s genome and gut microbiome will lead to new actions that will improve gut health and conversion of feed to fish biomass. Anticipated principal outputs are to:
1. Decipher the genomic and/or epigenomic mechanisms that shape microbiome community structure in farmed Atlantic salmon.
2. Identify microbiomes that optimise health and growth/feed conversion in these populations.
3. Develop biomarkers for selective breeding of salmon genotypes that effectively maintain gut-microbiota that optimise health and growth.
4. Intelligently match commercially available diets with the hologenotype of the farmed salmon broodstock, to optimise health and growth.
5. Develop new methods and tools to associate genomic background with gut microbial community of interest to other breeding systems in aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals.
Project design and implementation
An international consortium of complementary resources and expertise will conduct this research through four work
packages (WPs):
WP 1: Growth and feed experiments and sampling
There will be sampled several tissues and gut contents from 360 adult Atlantic salmon that have been raised under three different diets in commercial sized cages (120 fish per diet).
WP 2: Molecular analyses
In this work package there will be generated multiple levels of molecular data for the salmon hosts: i) genome, ii) gene expression profiles, iii) epigenome profile, and iv) muscle fatty acid profile. Similarly, for the salmon gut microbiome there will be generated data for: i) microbial genomes, ii) microbial gene expression profile, and iii) metabolome of the gut.
WP 3: Data analyses
Data from WP 2 will be analyzed using first existing protocols for describing molecular differences in host and gut-microbial composition/function among size groups and commercial diets. Second, there will explored whether correlations exist between salmon genome and/or epigenome and/or transcriptome, with microbial genome and/or genes and/or transcriptome.
WP 4: Validation experiments
New biomarkers for monitoring fish health will be developed based results in work package 3, and tested for application in commercial production by Lerøy. These new biomarkers will provide a tool for helping aquacultural firms improve fish health as well as their productivity.
Project organization
• The project will be anchored at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim with responsible project leader Prof. Tom Gilbert.
• Lerøy will be in charge of growing fish on different diets and organize sampling of adult fish and validation experiments.
• NIFES will generate data for salmon fatty acid profiles.
• NTNU and University of Copenhagen (UCPH) will generate molecular data from salmon samples and analyze the data.
• All partners will work closely with the established steering committee throughout the project to assure an industrial relevance and focus of project activities. 

Preliminary results 
Morten. T. Limborg, Antton Alberdi, Miyako Kodama, M​ichael​​ Roggenbuck, Karsten Kristiansen, and M.​ Thomas P. Gilbert, ‘Applied Hologenomics: Feasibility and Potential in Aquaculture’​, Trends in Biotechnology 36/​3, 1 March 2018, 252​64. For an abstract and ordering details, see the CellPress website​ at
Dissemination of project results
The project group will implement a dissemination strategy designed to maximize timely sharing and publication of research results for the benefit of industrial end-users and other stakeholders.
During the project period, preliminary results will be presented on internal steering committee meetings, conferences and seminars, both orally and as posters at e.g. AQUA 2018 (Montpellier, France, 2018) and Aquaculture Europe 2019 (arranged by European Aquaculture Society, Berlin, Germany, 2019). The project group will also contribute with its findings to relevant national events such as FHF's yearly conferences.

Popular scientific articles will be published in both international (e.g. Aquaculture Magazine) and national (e.g. Ilaks.no intrafish.no and/or kyst.no) magazines and newspapers. Popular summaries of scientific publications will be further communicated through press releases and newsletters in collaboration with the in-house communication units at NTNU and NIFES, as well as through a dedicated blog hosted by NTNU.

At least five main manuscripts are expected from the core activities.