The 2nd International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Totalt deltok 131 deltagere fra 31 land. Sammendrag av innleggene finnes på i tillegg til FHFs nettsider.
Symposium proceedings (Editors: E. Moksness E. Dahl and J. Støttrup) vil ble publisert I 2013 av Wiley‐Blackwell Publishing. Se
Prosjektbeskrivelse: Kystsonesymposium 2011
Havforskningsinstituttet. Datert 21. desember 2009.
Sammendrag av presentasjoner
Havforskningsinstituttet. Kystsonesymposium, Arendal 3.-7. juli 2011.
Sammendrag: Book of Abstracts
Havforskningsinstituttet. Kystsonesymposium, Arendal 3.-7. juli 2011.
Sluttrapport: International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management
The coastal zone includes both coastal waters and the narrow strip of land separating the marine and terrestrial environment. The coastal zone thus offers a myriad of goods and services ranging from production to protection. Despite its relatively small share of the global surface, this zone is highly productive and sustains a high biodiversity. Growing pressure from increasingly diverse human activities coupled with climate change impacts threaten the functional integrity of these coastal ecosystems. A multi-disciplinary approach towards understanding drivers, pressures and impacts in the coastal zone requires effective integration of data and information in policy and
The first International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) was hosted by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway and held in Arendal, Norway, from 11 June to 14 June 2007. The international attendance and multi-disciplinary contributions to this symposium demonstrated the need for international fora for discussing and developing integration of science and policy, and for further symposia on this topic. This first symposium was successfull bringing together people representing different disciplines, including managers. All lectures were carried out in plenum, which meant that scientists in different disciplines and managers had the opportunity to listen and learn from each other, resulting in a special atmosphere important for breaking down barriers.
The second ICZM symposium will again be hosted by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway in Arendal, Norway, and held from 3 July to 7 July 2011. This multi-disciplinary international conference is intended to promote science and integration of knowledge for the sustainable management of coastal resources. It will provide a venue for scientists, engineers, managers and policy-makers to discuss recent advances and innovative ideas, to share experiences and to develop networks.
Symposiet har en internasjonalt sammensatt vitenskapskomité med 21 medlemmer der Josianne Støttrup fra Danmark er leder. Den har også en nasjonal og lokal organisasjonskomité på 14 medlemmer der Einar Dahl ved Havforskningsinstituttet er leder og der Jan Henrik Sandberg, FHFs prosjektleder, kystsone, er medlem.
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Sluttrapport: International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management