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Microplastics occurrence in fisheries and aquaculture

Fagfelt: Felles satsingsområder


April 21, 2021

Start: kl. 12:00
Slutt kl. 15:00

Webinar på Microsoft Teams

Microplastics occurrence in fisheries and aquaculture

Several FHF projects have quantifyed the release of microplastics from the seafood industry and evaluated how and why this is occuring. This webinar will present results from these prosjects.

MICRORED is a newly started project with the aim to optimise the feed pellet conveying systems, technology and costs in fish farms to minimise microplastic emissions and maximise pipeline lifetime and pellet integrity. 

In order to introduce the project to the industry, and more important get input from stakeholders of value for the further work in the project, the project group now invites to this webinar. 

In addition will previous projects working on microplastic also be presented, along with knowledge and experience from the industry itself.

The webinar will be held in a mix of English and Norwegian

For more information contact: Jana.Chladek@sintef.no

